#JefaSpotlight: Kim Guerra, Brown Badass Bonita

This week we're so excited to spotlight writer and creator, Kim Guerra! Kim is the woman behind Brown Badass Bonita, a Latina-owned and operated brand and movement that focuses on celebrating the empowerment of women. In addition to promoting self-love and confidence in women, Brown Badass Bonita focuses on creating products that celebrate the Latinx community. Check out what Kim has to say about her journey as an entrepreneur so far!

What is your business and what inspired you to start it?

I consider Brown Badass Bonita to be more than a business; it's a revolution. I also feel like it is a growing family of Brown Badass Bonitas across the world, connecting and supporting each other. I wanted to embrace and celebrate the parts of my identity that society didn't want me to love. I wanted to reclaim and declare I could be Brown, Badass, and Bonita at the same time. I create products that make me feel like a walking revolution and testify to a mujer loving herself. 


How do you overcome challenges and stay motivated?

I have learned to recognize that challenges are opportunities to grow stronger, opportunities to ask for help, and opportunities to change. I have learned I am capable and strong to make things happen and to overcome. When I face challenges or feel defeated, I remind myself who I am and what my purpose is. 

What is an important lesson you’ve learned as a female latinx entrepreneur?

Most important lessons I've learn is to tend to my own garden. If I am busy making sure my garden is blooming and growing, I will not have time or energy to compare myself or my growth to any one else's. 


Best advice you’ve received and would like to share?

"Mereces lo mejor y no chingaderas!" by mi abuela!
Don't forget to look out for her upcoming book release, "Mija"!! 
To stay up to date with everything happening over at Brown Badass Bonita, be sure to follow along on Instagram: @brownbadassbonita

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