#JefaSpotlight: Davina Ferreira, Alegria Magazine

This week we're spotlighting founder and CEO, Davina Ferreira! Davina is the creator of ALEGRIA Magazine— a bilingual media company that strives to share the beauty of Latin American culture. From their print magazine to digital articles to events, ALEGRIA is all about representing Latinx culture. Check out what Davina had to share about being a Latina entrepreneur and the inspiration behind starting ALEGRIA.

Davina Ferreira, Alegria Magazine

What is your business and what inspired you to start it?

ALEGRIA Bilingual Magazine + Media started 7 years ago to highlight positive stories and interviews about our LatinX community in the USA.I felt it was essential to share the beauty of our culture and educate others about it.Also, I believe that creating inspirational content has a deep effect in our growth as a community.

We also love to help minority business owners grow through our marketing and advertising services via our ALEGRIA print, digits and experiential events.

We just launch our ALEGRIA Mobile bookstore to share our passion for education and literature with our community. We will be visiting different areas in Los Angeles County and featuring an exciting cultural programming with LatinX thought leaders, authors and poets.


How do you overcome challenges and stay motivated?

I am a very resilient person. I understand now  how all the challenging experiences in my life have prepared me to be an entrepreneur, who never gives up and manages to stay motivated through my passion and commitment to everything I do. Having a deep purpose to serve our community and uplift youth keeps me excited and creative. I am excited to create and do more everyday!

What is an important lesson you’ve learned as a female latinx entrepreneur?

There is absolutely nothing that beats hard & smart work and discipline. We do have to give it our all and then some! As a Latina entrepreneur, I always give my best and even if I fail at times, my awareness to keep growing and advocating for more opportunities for our community does not leave me room to concentrate on the on the no sayers or haters... there is so much conviction and love into what I do that eventually, it always manifests in people showing me respect and admiration.


Best advice you’ve received and would like to share?

What people think of you is none of your business. If you are doing, growing, creating and learning - there will be always some sort of noise or resistance- Learn from constructive feedback and send the rest some light and compassion and keep fulfilling your purpose. Don’t let the noise derail you from living your ALEGRIA.

To stay up to date with everything happening over at ALEGRIA, be sure to follow along on Instagram: @alegriamagazine

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