#JefaSpotlight: Vanessa Garcia, Querida LA

This week we're so excited to spotlight founder and creator, Vanessa Garcia! Vanessa is the woman behind Querida LA, a Latina-owned and operated jewelry brand. From rings to necklaces, Querida LA has them all! In addition to promoting self-love and confidence in women, Querida LA focuses on creating products that celebrate the Latinx community. Check out what Vanessa has to say about her journey as an entrepreneur so far!

What is your business/project and what inspired you to start it? 

What inspired me to start Querida Los Angeles was my need to express my creativity and to grow personally and financially. I am a Natural Creative, Extra and detailed in all that I do. Querida was the outlet I needed. What I see in the future for Querida is a movement. I want this small business to evolve into a well known brand and to Blossom into a community. A community and movement of Empowered Woman, Loving themselves and Creating Promising Futures while inspiring others.


How do you overcome challenges and stay motivated?

There have been times that I find myself feeling uninspired. Times when that creative block finds me and my way of moving forward is just that: I KEEP GOING! I keep showing up! Even when my content and products seem repetitive I continue to pour my all. What motivates me is my progress. Looking a few months back and seeing how far I’ve come in under a years work and I want more. I want more of the small wins! I want it all and I’m coming for it.

What is an important lesson you’ve learned as a female latinx entrepreneur?

What I’ve come to find while in business is that there is a demand for Latina, Latinx owned business. There is a market out there of consumers like myself who want to contribute to our community. Querida LA Is for everyone, All women and we even have Men customers. But without a doubt our target audience is the Latino Consumer.


Best advice you’ve received and would like to share?

The best advise I’ve received is to KEEP GOING. To Keep showing up for myself and stay consistent. I am my biggest cheerleader and I have to find motivation daily on what inspires me and in my why. I have to Keep reinventing concepts and work hard to reach my goals. Even on days when I’m uninspired and things may feel repetitive I owe it to myself to show up and shine.


To check out all the latest products from Querida LA, be sure to follow along on Instagram: @queridalosangeles

1 comment

  • Vanessa Rivera

    I’m at loss for words right now, I’m so proud of you Vanessa! One thing no one knows is, You gave me a shot when no-one wanted too and helped me get off my feet. For that, I’m very thankful and I will always be to have had such an amazing opportunity and person in my life since wayyyyyyyy back!

    You deserve this and more, keep inspiring and setting an example for us and the Latino community, It is possible to reach your goals and dreams do come true with hard work!
    This is only the beginning!…..

    Si se pudo ❤️🙌😘😍

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