Veganuary: Inspiring People to Try Vegan
The start of a new year brings a feeling of being refreshed and ready to take on any challenge that comes our way. The new year also brings a clean slate with the perfect opportunity to try something new. It’s seems that every year a new lifestyle diet finds its way into the spotlight, with paleo, gluten-free, and primal just being a few who have had their shining moments in years past. However, one lifestyle diet that has seemed to gain great popularity and loyalty within the past few years is veganism. With a bottom line as strict as: do not eat anything that comes from an animal, Veganism may at first seem intimidating. While committing to a lifestyle of veganism for life may seem , many have committed to giving it a try thru Veganaury.
Veganuary, what?
“Veganuary” (pronounced ve-GAN-uary) is a project and registered charity based out of the United Kingdom, dedicated to inspiring people to try following a vegan lifestyle for the month of January. Their mission is to change public attitudes of veganism while also providing information and support to make the transition to a vegan lifestyles as seamless as possible.
With January already being a time for resolutions an new beginnings, the founders of Veganuary believe that hosting the pledge during the first month of the year attracts audiences that may not normally be into the idea of veganism.
Why are people pledging?
This year, Veganuary is seeing their highest number of pledges yet, with over 250,000 people giving vegan a try for the month of January. Although the reasons and motives behind going vegan are different for each individual, the most common include love of animals, wanting to feel better about oneself, and helping the planet. Others view it as a challenge to complete or an opportunity to try a vegan lifestyle for a limited time.
What are some of the benefits?
According to the UK organization, going vegan is the most impactful way to protect our planet. Deciding to go vegan can help save water, protect nature, and reduce pollution. The environmental benefit of save wildlife.
The health benefits that come with a vegan lifestyle are also a driving force in the decision to eliminate animal products from one’s diet. While some turn to veganism to reduce or prevent specific health problems, many find that they have more energy and overall feel better than they ever have, simply by going plant-based.
Vegan diets have been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases because they are free of cholesterol and are low in saturated fat. Studies have also found that a vegan lifestyle is a great way to control and prevent diabetes, maintain a healthier boss mass index, and lower blood pressure.
Do I have to give up my favorite foods?
Not necessarily-- the year is 2019 and there are vegan substitutions for just about every one of your current favorite meals, including Mexican food! We here at SALSAOLOGY are proud to provide a line of products that are vegan friendly, as well as recipe ideas that can make going vegan a little more enjoyable. From mushroom ceviche to micheladas to nachos, here are a few ways to enjoy the Mexican flavors you love while keeping it plant-based.

Are you doing #veganuary? Let us know how it’s going! Be sure to keep an eye out for more vegan recipes featuring our sauces in the near future.
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